04 May 2008

Sciene & Faith: Dr. Richard Rice

"T. Richard Rice (1944—) is a Seventh-day Adventist theologian and author. He is a leading proponent of "open theism", a term he invented, which describes a controversial understanding of God. As of 2007 he is professor of theology and philosophy of religion at Loma Linda University in California.

"Rice introduced the term "open theism" in his 1980 book The Openness of God: The Relationship of Divine Foreknowledge and Human Free Will. The book was published by Seventh-day Adventist publisher Review and Herald, but proved controversial within the church and was not reprinted. Later, evangelical Clark Pinnock contacted Rice to convey his deep appreciation of the book, and gave it a positive review. It was republished by Pinnock's publisher Bethany House under the title God's Foreknowledge & Man's Free Will. In 1994, Rice and other theologians contributed to the book The Openness of God: A Biblical Challenge to the Traditional Understanding of God, which was edited by Pinnock." (from Wikipedia.com)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

With science and logics it is possible to draw many conclusions. For example the existence of an Intelligent Creator.

It is also possible to come to a conclusion of what the purpose is of the Creator with humankind. If you are interested, then I recommend the website www.netzarim.co.il – click on the “Christians”-page.

Have a nice weekend! Anders Branderud

A Matter of Intent

This blog is intended to raise awareness through e-conversation about particular issues of relevance to the religio-culture of Adventist Christianity. There is no intent to openly offend or demean persons of different opinions. It is my humble hope that those who agree and those who disagree with these posts will be able to dialogue together to better understand our common heritage and culture as Adventists and to celebrate our Christianity. May the Spirit of the Lord guide and bless us in this endeavor and may this spiritual journey glorify our Father in Heaven.