08 May 2008

Ellen White & Adventist Christianity: Dr. Alden Thompson

"Alden Thompson is currently professor of biblical studies at Walla Walla College. Since joining the School of Theology in 1970, he has been a full-time classroom teacher except for three notable interruptions From 1972 to 1974 he was on college-sponsored doctoral study leave at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland; during the1980-81 school year he was an exchange teacher at Marienh�he Seminary in Darmstadt, Germany; from 1986 to 1990, he served as WWC academic vice president. In 1990 he returned to full-time teaching in the School of Theology.

"An ordained minister in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Thompson is a graduate of Walla Walla College (BA 1965) and Andrews University (MA 1966; BD 1967). Before joining the faculty at WWC, he pastored in Southeastern California (1967-1970). In 1974 he received his PhD in Old Testament and Judaic Studies from the University of Edinburgh. His dissertation was published by Scholars Press in 1977.

"His primary interests are the Bible, especially the Old Testament, Ellen White studies, "Inspiration," and Adventist History. He writes frequently for Adventist publications. His "Sinai to Golgotha" series on the growth and development of Ellen White�s experience was published in the Adventist Review (December 1981). Published books include Who's Afraid of the Old Testament God? (Paternoster, 1988; Zondervan, 1989; Pacesetters, 2000, 2003); Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers (Review and Herald, 1991; also translated into German [1998] and Dutch [2002]); and Escape from the Flames: How Ellen White grew from fear to joy and helped me do it too (Pacific Press, 2005). He is available on a limited basis for speaking appointments and seminar presentations.

"In 1965 Thompson married Wanda Hoffman, a nurse (WWC 1965) turned artist (WWC 1993). They have two married daughters: Karin, living in Leominster, Massachusetts with her husband, Tom Wehtje; and Krista, living in Bassano del Grappa, in Northern Italy with her husband, Steve Smith."

(from http://people.wallawalla.edu/staff/thomal/)

1 comment:

Marty said...

hey raymond,

are the second and third vid the same?

A Matter of Intent

This blog is intended to raise awareness through e-conversation about particular issues of relevance to the religio-culture of Adventist Christianity. There is no intent to openly offend or demean persons of different opinions. It is my humble hope that those who agree and those who disagree with these posts will be able to dialogue together to better understand our common heritage and culture as Adventists and to celebrate our Christianity. May the Spirit of the Lord guide and bless us in this endeavor and may this spiritual journey glorify our Father in Heaven.