18 May 2008

A Prayer for Forgiveness

Almighty and Merciful God,we the followers of Your beloved Son and our Savior Jesus Christ bow our hearts and bend our knees as we come before You.

Guiding and Comforting Holy Spirit of the Living God and Resurrected Lord come make us humble as we move to turn our eyes from the evil things of this existence.

Oh Lord, we cast down our idols of man-made traditions of homophobia that we have inherited from previous generations.

As we seek to love and embrace Your gay and lesbian children, please give us clean hands and give us pure hearts.

Let us not lift our traditions above loving one another. For all the wrong brought to our gay brothers and lesbian sisters in Your Holy Name, have mercy on us and on the Adventist community of believers.

Heavenly Merciful Father have compassion on such a weak-minded generation. Help us to understand your leading through the findings of human sexuality research and guide us through the leading of Your Spirit through the ambiguity of human sexuality within Your Holy Scriptures.

Almighty God, let this be a generation that seeks. One that seeks Your face, Oh God of Redemption.

We bow our hearts and we bend our knees, asking the Holy Spirit to come make us humble as we turn our eyes from the evil things of human pride.

Receive our prayers as we cast down our idols of man-made traditions of homophobia. In Your Infinite Mercy and Grace, give us clean hands and give us pure hearts.

Let us not lift our traditions above loving one another.

God of Grace and Power give us clean hands and give us pure hearts.

Let us not lift our traditions above loving one another.

Jesus Christ, may we be a generation that seeks. Merciful God may we seek after Your face and find abundance in your Grace and Mercy. May Your unfailing love be our embrace to one another.

For the sake of Christ's sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world. For the edification of Your church and the establishment of the Kingdom of the Living God forgive us of our trespasses against Your homosexual children.

Teach us to love one another as You have created us. Give us clean hands and give us pure hearts. Show us to have unfailing love.

Almighty and Merciful God, let us not lift our traditions above loving one another.

For the edification of your church and the establishment of the Kingdom of the Living God forgive us of our trespasses against Your homosexual children and bring us to reconciliation, forgiveness, and unconditional, unfailing love toward one another.

May we look to the Lamb of God whose sacrifice on the Holy Cross has made all of His Children lovable. All of humanity reconciled unto God.

Almighty God, we marvel at what Grace and Wonder. We come unto You claiming the Power of the Cross of Jesus and humbly asking forgiveness for the wrong we have done homosexuals.

In Christ's Holy & Blessed Name, for the sake of Your Church on Earth and for all of humanity we pray.



Mr. KIMP said...

Raymond, I just found this blog. I hope you continue posting - I appreciate all that you have to say here. I added the blog to my blogroll. Keep it up!


Anders Branderud said...


You wrote: "May we look to the Lamb of God whose sacrifice on the Holy Cross has made all of His Children lovable. All of humanity reconciled unto God."

Your post is much about atonement and I want to comment about that.

How to live in order to enable the Creator in His loving kindness to provide His foregivness is outlined in the Jewish Bible ; and was also taught by the first century Ribi Yehoshua from Nazareth (the Mashiakh; the Messiah).

You will find Ribi Yehoshuas teachings here: http://www.netzarim.co.il

Have a nice weekend!
Anders Branderud

A Matter of Intent

This blog is intended to raise awareness through e-conversation about particular issues of relevance to the religio-culture of Adventist Christianity. There is no intent to openly offend or demean persons of different opinions. It is my humble hope that those who agree and those who disagree with these posts will be able to dialogue together to better understand our common heritage and culture as Adventists and to celebrate our Christianity. May the Spirit of the Lord guide and bless us in this endeavor and may this spiritual journey glorify our Father in Heaven.